Buying NIL
Please read this before selling or transferring NIL
Last updated
Please read this before selling or transferring NIL
Last updated
You can buy NIL by going to Uniswap. Here is a direct link to the WETH/NIL Swap.
You can also buy with Credit Card using You can setup an account and purchase NIL Token direct. Once you purchase your NIL Token it is held in a custodial wallet until you want to withdraw. There is not a 15% Tax when you buy or transfer from - however there is a gas fee deducted when you withdraw.
You will need to set slippage to 18% to support the 15% Tax. You can learn more about the 15% Tax here. The 15% includes a 5% burn, 5% reflections and 5% to liquidity. All three of these are for the benefit of holders. The 5% burn will increase scarcity of the token. The 5% reflections give holders more tokens each time there is a buy/sell/transfer. The 5% liquidity ensures there is an increasing liquidity pool.
See details on Slippage / Tax
Please read the warning below before you BUY, SELL or TRANSFER NIL.
The NIL Contract will tax all transactions (sell, buy and transfer) 15%. This is outlined in the tokenomics and white paper. It is important that you make sure to hold your NIL in the original wallet to avoid these fees.